
Our businesses contribute in making Chickamauga a great place to visit as well as giving our residents all of the amenities just a few foot steps or a short golf cart ride away from their homes. You will find that most of our businesses are family owned and operated giving visitors and locals a warm welcoming every time. Chickamauga appreciates all of their businesses and is willing to lend help when needed. We are also open to possible growth as the traffic increases through our town. If you are a new business owner or looking to relocate, please contact us.
Information on water and electrics rates are available at city hall
Business License Business license Info PDF
Walker County Chamber of Commerce
Northwest Georgia Joint Development Authority
Sales Tax Information
- Sales tax is 8%
Property Tax Information
- No City General Tax since 2000, it was 3.46 mills
- School Tax is 14.25 mills
Zoning & Ordinances Get zoning and ordinances documents and information here.
Stormwater Management Plan Learn more about Stormwater Management documents and information here.
Water Department & Electric Department
Hours: 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Monday through Friday. Phone: (706) 375-3177.
After hour emergencies call (706) 375-7810.
To pay your Utility Bill visit
Train schedule For schedule and tickets visit Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum.
Contact City Hall
Contact City Hall103 Crittenden Avenue
Chickamauga, GA 30307
(706) 375-3177
See Map
Facebook Feed
About The City of Chickamauga
The Battle of Chickamauga
The Battle of Chickamauga, named after the Chickamauga Creek which flowed nearby, was fought September 19-20, 1863 and involved more than 110,000 soldiers of the Northern and Southern Armies.
Union General William Rosecrans had his headquarters at the Gordon Lee Mansion prior to the battle. The Mansion, completed in 1847, is still standing today. Many parched and wounded soldiers from both sides drank from the town's bubbling Crawfish Spring, which is still active today.
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